
Potheads and supporters give Great Big Hope to Big Tobaccos

Are potheads and their supporters stooges of Big Tobaccos?  With more and more people quitting smoking or not starting, Big Tobaccos' smoke profits have been gradually going up in smoke. But now guess who are coming to the Big rescue? Potheads and their supporters, in clamoring for legalization.    
   BT: "Just in time to throw a lifeline to we, Big Tobaccos!  Thank you, guardian angels!  Maybe in the future, when we BT dominate and monopolize the pot industries (again), we'll give you some discount coupons to hook you to our products even more!  Thank you once again. -- Best wishes from BT, your big, friendly cigarette/potarette makers."


The anarchy of a legalized pot world

Forget about buying "potarettes" from government/convenience stores.  Anyone and his dog could easily set up a mini or maxi pot grow-op in their house/condo/yard (impractical with tobacco) to make their own cheaper, more powerful joints, and sell the excess for profits. Grow-ops damage houses, breed molds, cause fire hazards, and which criminals would exploit big time after legalization.

Besides above, read the following articles (or any cigarette article) and substitue the word "cigarettes" or "tobacco" with the word "pot"--revealing an anarchic, legalized pot world inevitably many times worst in many areas:

China tobacco firms accused of targeting children 

Big Tobacco's Next Target: Women and Children in Poorer Countries...

Tobacco companies target young women  

Passive Smoking (secondhand Smoke) Linked To Psychiatric Distress And Illness

Illegal tobacco market growing

Supreme Court to hear tobacco liability appeals

U.S. gene study reveals toll of heavy smoking

Tobacco troubles: Law enforcement has not kept up with the illegal trade in cheap cigarettes 

Up in smoke: Indonesian child-teen smokers rising